Research & News
On this page we capture the buzz about food allergies. We look for the most credible sources possible to help us all make sense of food allergy research, farming practices that affect our health, nutrition and culinary news, and social / emotional insights. So click away, learn, and keep up-to-date.
FOOD ALLERGY, Celiace Disease, & Immune RESEARCH
A great deal of food allergy research is being done today. Here are links to major (and a few minor) news sources and direct links to studies where we can find them.-
October 8, 2015; The Atlantic; It leaves people bed-bound and drives some to suicide, but there's little research money devoted to the disease. Now, change is coming, thanks to the patients themselves.
Octoboer 5, 2015; The Washington Post; Before he got sick, Whitney Dafoe was an award-winning photographer and a world traveler. He’d helped build a nunnery in India, ridden a motorcycle in the Himalayas and visited all 50 American states.
June 10, 2015, Medical News; Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc., a privately held biopharmaceutical company developing desensitization treatments for food allergies, announced today that a Phase 2 study (ARC001) evaluating the company's lead investigational . . .
June 2, 2015, Irish Times; Prof Alan Irvine, consultant paediatric dermatologist at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin and associate professor of dermatology at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) is excited by new research findings published by . . .
May 18, 2015; CBS News; "We now have a test to say, you have a disease," Pimentel told CBS News. "Having a test like this shortens the time of suffering, it shortens the time of investigation and accelerates getting the patient directly to treatment."
May 11, 2015; PBS Newshour; “This [food allergy trend] is doubling every ten years,” said Dr. Nadeau. “That’s beyond just a generational effect. So how much are genes involved in this, and how much is the environment involved in this? That’s what we’re ..
April 9, 2015, Seattle Times; The Viaskin Peanut skin patch tested by Seattle-area doctors and families uses small amounts of peanut protein to desensitize children to the allergen.
April 2, 2015; Uncover Michigan; According to a new study published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, a new blood test could diagnose a person's severe food allergy and possibly replace more invasive testing.
March 31, 2015; a thousand-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion for eye infections may hold the key to wiping out the modern-day superbug MRSA, according to new research.
March 15, 2015, Detroit Free Press; A study released recently casts doubt on the advice once given to parents of children like Sienna, now 8, to delay introducing peanuts well into toddlerhood.
March 9, 2015, Huffington Post Blog; Let us understand what the research is saying, and more importantly, what it is not. Just like many things in life, there is no black and white here. Things are always more complicated than the headlines indicate.
March 4, 2015; Edmonton Sun: Infants with fewer different types of bacteria in stools samples at three months are more likely to develop sensitization to milk, eggs and peanuts by age one.
February 27, 2015; The Telegraph; Patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome show distinct changes in their immune system, scientists have shown for the first time.
February 5, 2015; The Star, Canada; Although hundreds of thousands of girls in Canada have safely taken Gardasil, at least 60 Canadians experienced debilitating illnesses after inoculation, incl death..
Cincinnati Business Courier, Oct. 10, 2014; Scientists at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center have received a $6.25 million federal grant to lead an international research effort aimed at treating several painful diseases linked to food allergie
US News & World Report, Sept. 3, 2014; a study suggests there's a potential new player on the immunology front: Some people may be allergic to the antibiotics used to keep pests away from fruits and vegetables.
Health Professionals Network; By Andrew Smith | August 28, 2014, New research into fatal cases of anaphylaxis concludes that teens and asthmatics with known allergies face particularly high risks and should make doubly sure to carry epinephrine auto-injec
Science Life, University of Chicago Medical & Biological Sciences; August 25, 2014; They found that the presence of Clostridia, a common class of gut bacteria, protects against food allergies.
Scientific American, June 30, 2011; Fifteen years after an experimental peanut allergy shot killed one patient, researchers have ramped up the science to find alternative treatments, including protein powders and herbal mixtures
Archeology Magazine, April 30, 2014; ROME, ITALY—Biological anthropologist Gabriele Scorrano of the University of Rome Tor Vergata led a study of the 2,000-year-old skeletal remains of a young woman unearthed at the Cosa archaeological site on Italy’s ...
Tender Foodie, April 22, 2014; he Center for Celiac Research at Massachusett's General Hospital for Children (MGHfC) and Harvard Medical School has just announced a new and exciting study into celiac and autoimmune disease and enrollment is now under way.
-, Feb. 2, 2014; The increase in the amount of glyphosate applied to wheat correlates with the rise of celiac disease, peritonitis, and deaths due to intestinal infection ... Samsel and Seneff argue that the increases in these diseases ...
The New York Times, Jan. 3, 2014; The researchers, led by Dr. A. Lindsay Frazier of Dana-Farber/Children’s Hospital Cancer Center in Boston, wrote: “Our study supports the hypothesis that early allergen exposure increases the likelihood of tolerance & ...
NBC News, January 30, 2014; LONDON — An experimental therapy that fed children with peanut allergies small amounts of peanut flour has helped more than 80 percent of them safely eat a handful of the previously worrisome nuts.
CBC News, Nov. 10, 2013; Montreal Children's Hospital to begin innovative allergy project
Science Magazine, Nov. 4, 2013; Scientists have known for decades that this so-called microbiota helps us digest our food and crowds out infectious germs. The bugs have also been implicated in allergies and obesity. Now, a new study adds one more ...
-, Nov. 2013; Celiac disease is a gluten enteropathy that is treated with dietary elimination of gluten. Exposure to nondietary sources of gluten, which are used in the manufacture of products such as plastics, dental equipment, and cosmetics ...
Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Oct. 30, 2013; We performed oral peanut desensitization in peanut-allergic children at high risk for developing significant peanut-induced allergic reactions. Omalizumab was administered before and during oral pea
HuffPost Living, Canada, Oct. 13, 2013; Food sensitivities could underly chronic autoimmune contitions
Oct. 9, 2013, Notre Dame News; New research ... led by faculty at the University of Notre Dame, has made concrete progress toward the development of the first-ever inhibitory therapeutic for Type I hypersensitive allergic reactions.
Oct. 4, 2013,; New Zealand scientists think they may have discovered one reason why more and more of us are getting asthma, severe skin and food allergies.
Herald Sun, August 13, 2013; by Lucie Van den Berg; In a world-first trial, hundreds of newborn Victorian babies will receive the tuberculosis vaccine in a bid to boost their immune system and reduce food allergies, asthma, eczema and hayfever.
-, July 17, 2013; The GAPS diet is becoming increasingly popular with people trying to reverse anything from eczema to autism; but what is it, and is it safe? Read more:
NBC Health; July 4, 2013; by Maggie Fox, Senior Writer NBC News; The germs living inside you, which scientists now believe can affect your weight, your risk of disease and other factors, may be shaping your health your whole life long...
New York Times, June 6, 2013; by Gretchen Reynolds; For hundreds of years, coffee has been one of the two or three most popular beverages on earth. But it’s only recently that scientists are figuring out that the drink has notable health benefits.
New York Times, May 14, 2013; by Gina Kolata; New study shows that there could be health risks by consuming too little salt.
The Boulder Weekly, May 9, 2013; Abbey Faires; More than 90 percent of the body’s serotonin is found in the gastrointestinal tract. Serotonin is a hormone and a key player in the functioning of that tract. It also regulates aggression, appetite and mood.
New York Times, Heatlh/Science, May 6, 2013; BY NICHOLAS BAKALAR; U.S. children are 48% more likely to develop food allergies than those born outside of the U.S., also those who are born in other countries and who relocate to the U.S. show higher risk...
-, April 22, 2013; A new study is looking for participants for an integrated system that will enable researchers to determine how, why, where and when, accidental allergic reactions occur in the community.
-, March 21, 2013; The €9million project builds on an earlier €14.3 million research study and will involve the worlds leading experts in the UK, Europe, Australia and US
-, March 14, 2013
Health on Today, March 14, 2013; "“This treatment is really amazing,” Thernstrom said on TODAY. “Dr. Nadeau doesn't use the word ‘cure’ because she's a scientist and she's very careful.
The New York Times Magazine, March 11, 2013; Melanie Thernstrom wrote this week’s cover article about a doctor who is trying to cure children of their dangerous food allergies.
Huffpost Healthy Living, LONDON, March 11 (Reuters) - Antibiotic resistance poses a catastrophic threat to medicine and could mean patients having minor surgery risk dying from infections that can no longer be treated, Britain's top health official said o
The New York Times Magazine, March 10, 2013 by Melanie Thernstrom; Dr. Kari Nadeau, who is conducting a trial to desensitize children with multiple food allergies, with some of her patients.
The New York Times, March 7, 2013; Can a radical new treatment save children with severe food allergies?
New York Times, February 1, 2013; by Susannah Meadows; Shepherd Strauss, was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis when he was 3. A story of drugs vs. healing the gut, removing gluten/dairy & replacing good bacteria for complete healing.
ScienceDaily, Nov. 18, 2012; In a breakthrough for nanotechnology and multiple sclerosis, a biodegradable nanoparticle turns out to be the perfect vehicle to stealthily deliver an antigen that tricks the immune system into stopping its attack on myelin...
-, Nov. 1, 2012; Researchers at National Jewish Health have discovered a novel target for the treatment of food allergies. Erwin Gelfand, MD, and his colleagues report in the October 2012 issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immun
-, Nov. 1, 2012; Gary Scattergood; “Some progress” is being made to develop international reference values for food allergens to minimise the risk of allergic reactions, said the Food Standard Agency’s (FSA) chief scientist Dr Andrew W
WebMD Heatlh News, Sept. 19, 2012; by Martha Goodman -- Arsenic is found in a wide variety of rice and rice products, sometimes at levels that are higher than safe limits set for drinking water, new tests confirm.
iO9 Daily Explainer; August 10, 2012; by Robert T. Gonzalas; But there's a twist; it turns out hookworms are also great for treating food allergies. And irritable bowel syndrome. And asthma. How does an organism that affects over one billion more.
LA TIMES, JULY 20, 2012; In the VERY controlled study, Kids with egg allergies can often recover, New England Journal of Medicine (Note: The experiment we’re about to describe was done under carefully controlled conditions. Do not try this at home w
Science Daily, June 25, 2012; Young children with allergies to milk and egg experience reactions to these and other foods more often than researchers had expected, a study reports. The study also found that severe and potentially life-threatening ...
MAIL ONLINE; JUNE 18, 2012; By Eddie Wrenn; Researchers are suggesting a way to tell if a person is ill by changing their poop to different colours. Your excrement turns a variety of hues depending on how sick you a
FORBES, 05/29/2012; Researchers in Finland discovered unique IgE‐binding structures in allergens. They say these structures can be genetically modified so they do not bind IgE, but they can still induce the production of the immunoglobulin G (IgG).
Science Daily, June 6, 2012; A pioneering new test developed with EU-funding should soon be available in hospitals, offering an accurate, quick, cost-effective diagnosis and monitoring solution.
MEDSCAPE News Today; June 1, 2012 — N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a specific antioxidant supplement, may be effective in easing irritability and repetitive behaviors in children with autism, a small pilot study suggests.
March 6, 2012, Daily Mail Online India; By Nalini Ravichandran
-, Laura Beil; Learn how the latest therapies are helping children beat their allergies at last. Plus, simple ways you can reduce allergies in children
The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 7, 2012; by MELINDA BECK. A group of 15 experts from seven countries is proposing a new classification system for the gluten-related disorders.
-, Feb. 6, 2012; Sunlight provides the fuel to create vitamin D in the skin.
CBS News, Jan. 23, 2012; by Steve Hartman
Huffington Post, October 12, 2011; Susan Weissman
The Tender Foodie, Dec. 19, 2011; Elisabeth Veltman; New research reveals an inability to digest gluten and a new type of immune response to gluten
Vitals on, Oct. 11, 2011; By Linda Carroll
Los Angeles Times, Sept. 7, 2011; By Jeannine Stein
US News Health, August 19, 2011; by Jennifer Goodwin
NPR Health Blog, August 5, 2011; by SCOTT HENSLEY
Northwest Herald, July 26, 2011; By CHELSEA McDOUGALL
Chronic Fatigue (CFS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Lyme Disease
Research & news for these multi-systemic, infectious diseases-
October 5, 2015; Washington Post; Some may therefore be surprised that the illness is now a major research focus for one of the world’s leading biomedical scientists. That scientist, Ronald W. Davis, is Whitney Dafoe’s father.
October 8, 2015; The Atlantic; It leaves people bed-bound and drives some to suicide, but there's little research money devoted to the disease. Now, change is coming, thanks to the patients themselves.
October 8, 2015; MedScape; The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today approved the first nucleic acid-based test of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that can simultaneously detect 14 pathogens responsible for central nervous system (CNS) infections.
October 9, 2015; Complex; Hadid was diagnosed in 2012 with the tick-born disease that can cause fatigue, muscle aches, and trouble concentrating. Her mother also shared that her younger brother was diagnosed during an emotional speech, reports ABC News.
October, 2015; Invest in ME (IIME) announced in July that a new European ME Researchers Group (EMERG) has been formed. The enthusiasm of the researchers is inspiring! EMERG meets for the first time as a group this week.
Chef's Kitchen
News about chefs & restaurants who are catering to people with food allergies.-
May 4, 2015, New York Times; Acesulfame K. Ethoxyquin. Artificial smoke flavor. The first, an artificial sweetener; the second, a preservative; and the third, a flavor enhancer, are just a few of the ingredients that Panera Bread wants to banish from ...
April 23, 2015; The Chester Chronicle; Holland & Barrett has teamed up with national charity Allergy UK in a bid to raise awareness of the impact of food allergies and intolerances and the Chester store, called Holland & Barrett More ...
The Daily Meal, Jan. 30, 2014; Fans are invited to celebrate big changes at Udi’s, including the sale of their gluten-free line, by voting for the company’s new name
Huffington Post, Dec. 28, 2012; Dunkin' Donuts, the company beloved for their use of sugary, less-than-healthy ingredients, has begun testing a gluten-free line of products in a few locations in southern Florida and the Boston area.
-, October 16, 2013; California Pizza Kitchen today announced the launch of a new line of gluten-free pizzas available at restaurants nationwide through a partnership with the Gluten Intolerance Group.
Restaurant News, Jan. 14, 2014
(CBS News), Nov. 18, 2012; Lee Cohen; Millions of Americans appear to be caught up in a feeding frenzy. They're not just cooking food and eating food - they're TALKING food, almost non-stop . . . barely pausing to take a bite.
USA Today, Feb. 6, 2012; By Nancy Trejos,
The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 17, 2011; By KATY MCLAUGHLIN
The Sydney Morning Herald, June 7, 2011 by Carli Ratcliff
New Food Allergies
Red meat from ticks, gluten sensitivity... new food allergies are popping up in record numbers. News stories on these new allergies.-
New York Times, Opinion, Nov. 9, 2013; Some of the vulnerability is surely genetic. But comparative studies highlight the importance of environment, beginning, it seems, in the womb. Microbes are one intriguing protective factor. ...
Health Canal, April 25, 2013; While food allergies are more common among children, the population of adults with moderate to severe food allergies is also growing, though clinicians aren’t sure why.
Huffington Post, April 3, 2013; BY CHRIS KESSLER; This "all-or-nothing" view has led to some doctors telling patients that suspect they're sensitive to gluten but test negative for CD that they're simply imagining an affliction that doesn't exist....
ABC News, April 1, 2013; By SUSAN DONALDSON JAMES; a non-IgE mediated, but life threatening allergy called food protein induced entercolitis syndrome, or FPIES, is showing up in kids.
USA Today, March 5, 2013 by Nanci Hellmich; Almost a third of adults (29%) in the USA say they want to cut down on the gluten they eat or consume a gluten-free diet, according to new data from the NPD Group
The New York Times, Feb. 4, 2013; SimplyThick, used for infants who have trouble swallowing, is linked to several deaths (via NEC). Two possible causes: 1) xanthum gum in the product is too much for a baby's digestive system, and 2) a contaminated factory
Wall Street Journal, Feb. 7, 2012; by Melinda Beck; Aiming to clarify the situation, a group of 15 experts from seven countries is proposing a new classification system for the gluten-related disorders plaguing a growing number of people around the world
New York Times, Feb. 4, 2013; by Kenneth Chang; Now medical experts largely agree that there is a condition related to gluten other than celiac. In 2011 a panel of celiac experts convened in Oslo and settled on a medical term for this malady: non-celiac g
Discovery News, Dec. 14, 2012; George Dvorsky, iO9; More people are switching to wheat-free diets -- and for very good reason. As science is increasingly showing, eating wheat increases the potential for a surprising number of health problems.
Sept. 3, 2012 (CBS News); Modern wheat is a "perfect, chronic poison," according to Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist who has published a book all about the world's most popular grain.
-; June 20, 2012; by Katie Moisse; cases of the allergy are popping up along the East Coast and into the Bible Belt, areas ripe with lone star ticks. He's already seen 400 or so. And 90 percent of them have a history of tick bites, he said.
Wall Street Journal, March 15, 2011; By Laura Johannes - 18 million suspected of having gluten intolerance
Food Allergy Testing & Treatment
News on the type of testing, potential treatments, and what the experts think about it.-, April 23, 2013; NAET is billed as a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to alleviate allergies using energy balancing. It has been around for 35 years and is growing in popularity as more and more people are finding themselves suffering fr
Chemical & Eng News; Jan. 2, 2013; By Erika Gebel; Medical Diagnostics: A library of peptides on the surfaces of bacteria can capture new antibodies associated with celiac disease
US News Health, November 5, 2011; copyright HealthDay
MedPage Today, Nov. 7, 2012; by John Gever; Accuracy of IgE and skin prick tests for diagnosing certain food allergies, the economic burden of such allergies & best practices for conducting oral food challenges will be featured presentations at meeting.
Sustainable & Organic Farming; & The Environment
News about what is possible and better for our health, the health of our ecosystems and our economy. It's all about where our food comes from.-
Canadian Press, March 26, 2014; Health Canada issued a report in September indicating that detectable residues of neonicotinoid insecticides used to treat corn and soybean seeds were found in large numbers of dead bee samples taken in 2013.
-, September 5, 2013; Just before the start of the long holiday weekend last Friday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture quietly that it was ending a ban on processed chicken imports from China. The kicker: These products can now be sold in the U.S.
Plos One, July 24, 2013; Pesticide exposure and pathogens may interact to have strong negative effects on managed honey bee colonies. Such findings are of great concern given the large numbers and high levels of pesticides found in honey bee colonies.
-, August 27, 2013; Radio wave-treated water could change agriculture as we know it. Its Irish pioneers meet Tom Prendeville.
Huffington Post, July 30, 2013; Microplastic is easily confused with natural food found in lakes. The beads can remain in fish and be ingested by humans, the group said. "We don't know if the problem stops with the fish or if we eat the fish . . .
The Grist, June 3, 2013; By Lori Rotenberk; Meet three of America’s female farmers, the most rapidly growing segment of the nation’s changing agricultural landscape.
New York Times, March 28, 2013; BY MICHAEL WINES; The explosive growth of neonicotinoids since 2005 has roughly tracked rising bee death, which have reached 55% (normal loss is 5-10%)
New York Times, March 27, 2013; BY DAVID A KESSLER; In 2011, drugmakers sold nearly 30 million pounds of antibiotics for livestock — the largest amount yet recorded and about 80 percent of all reported antibiotic sales that year.
San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 7, 2012; by Stacy Finz; A measure that would require most foods made with genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled in California was significantly behind early Wednesday.
CNN, October 1, 2012; By Amanda Gardner,; Roughly 2% to 3% of all infants are allergic to cow's milk. A solution to this problem may just reside in a single, tailless cow in New Zealand.
-, Sept. 9, 2012; by Carey Gillam; Costs of corn too high, so farmers are feeding gummy worms, cookies and discarded food stuffs to their dairy cattle.
CBS News This Morning, June 12, 2012; The genetically-modified vegetable is protected from a herbicide that kills so-called super-weeds, but is linked to the notorious "Agent Orange" used in Vietnam.
Mother Jones, Sept. 4, 2012; In reality, though, the study in some places makes a strong case for organic—though you'd barely know it from the language the authors use. And in places where it finds organic wanting, key information gets left out.
The Atlantic, Sept. 4, 2012; That doesn't mean it's not healthier. How our obsession with organics' "healthiness" led us away from the term's roots
New York Times, Sept.3, 2012, by KENNETH CHANG ; Stanford University scientists have weighed in on the “maybe not” side of the debate after an extensive examination of four decades of research comparing organic and conventional foods.
Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution, June 6, 2012; On May 22, Maryland’s governor, Martin O’Malley, signed a bill banning the use of arsenic in poultry feed, effective from the 1st of January 2013.
A new cap on emissions, which federal regulators described as the most stringent to date for a U.S. refinery, is expected to reduce the Whiting plant's flaring by nearly 90 percent. Emissions of hazardous chemicals such as benzene, toluene and hydrogen su
The New York Times, April 5, 2012; By Nicholas D. Kristof: Scientists at John Hopkins University found evidence of arsenic, Tylenol, Benydryl, Prozac and more in industrially raised chicken.
Washington Times, April 2, 2012; by Scott Faber;1995 - 2010, taxpayers provided nearly a quarter-trillion dollars in subsidies to farms. Only 1/3 of America’s farmers grow crops eligible for these subsidies, & the top 10% of these operations collected 74%
Prevention Magazine, March 12, 2012; by Jane Black; But there are other ingredients hiding in these products, and most of us don't even know they're there. They're called genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and they're in 80% of the processed food on g
LA Times, Feb. 17, 2012; by Dean Kuipers; After years of taking farmers to court to assert their patent rights, agri-giant Monsanto being sued by farmers. Lots of farmers.
TedTalk (via Dr. Frank Lipman) New York Times food writer Mark Bittman weighs in on what’s wrong with the way we eat now (too much meat, too few plants; too much fast food, too little home cooking), and why it’s putting the entire planet at risk.
The Atlantic, Dec. 5, 2011; by Barry Eastabrook (former contributing editor, Gourmet M) Given that current production systems leave nearly 1 billion people undernourished, the onus should be on the agribusiness to prove its model, not the other way around
Arizona Daily Sun, Nov. 5, 2011; by Kevin Burtram
The Cornucopia Institute, August 25, 2011; by Natalie Jones. (Piece discusses 2004 study on how our produce has lost nearly half of its nutritional punch within the last 50 years).
PBS Need to Know, Aug. 19, 2011
Washington Post, May 5, 2011 by Tim Carman - Prince Charles mentions a study that drew from over 400 scientists world-wide and concluded that small-scale, family-based farming systems are the most productive in developing countries.
In order to help follow the progress on labeling laws, here are links to news reports on the progress of Congress & the FDA to reduce cross-contamination, umbrella ingredients like "vegetable oil" and "seasonings" often contain hidden allergens.-
August 9, 2015, New York Times; Coca-Cola, the world’s largest producer of sugary beverages, is backing a new “science-based” solution to the obesity crisis: To maintain a healthy weight, get more exercise and worry less about cutting calories.
May 1, 2015, KXAN; Olympic gold medal gymnast Mitch Gaylord lives in Bee Cave these days, where he and his wife Valentina run the Lagree Studio for fitness. They are especially concerned about the health and lives of children as two of their own suffer ..
-, December 3, 2014; Tom Colicchio, José Andrés, Art Smith and Sam Talbot are 3 of 700 chefs advocating GMO labeling. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) are sponsoring the legislation.
New York Times, April 16, 2014; General Mills, the maker of cereals like Cheerios and Chex as well as brands like Bisquick and Betty Crocker, has quietly added language to its website to alert consumers that they give up their right to sue the company ..
Associated Press, March 17, 2014; County governments may soon have authority to make restaurants accommodate customers with food allergies.
-, August 19, 2013; Michigan has bipartisan support for a new law that would allow trained personnel to administer epinephrine should be needed. The bill has been sent to the Senate.
Sunshine State News, August 7, 2013; 150 allergists throughout the state of Florida, proposed an amendment to the current legislation pertaining to anaphylaxis in schools. Senate Bill 284, School Emergencies, enables public and private schools to adopt an
Tender Foodie, August 2, 2013; a quick recap of the new regulations, plus a list of informative / major news articles on the new regualations
Washington Post, August 2, 2013; The official government designation came nine years after Congress asked the agency to establish a uniform definition for companies wishing to label their products gluten-free and five years after the deadline set by . . .
The Hill, April 23, 2013; By Julian Hattem; Beer companies that remove gluten from their beverages are trying to make sure they can call themselves "gluten-free."
CBS, Jan. 18, 2013; by Mary Clare Jalonick, Associated Press; The Justice Department said in a recent settlement with a Massachusetts college that severe food allergies can be considered a disability under the law.
ABC News; Dec. 31, 2012; By SYDNEY LUPKIN; Since the 2002 legislation was passed, ambulances have administered Epinephrine injections 1,523 times in Minnesota - all b/c of smart, passionate moms, who fight new battles as their kids grow up.
Seattle Times, Oct. 14, 2012; A 22-year-old man with severe food allergies died in the Snohomish County jail after a pot bust, and now his mother says she wants to know why.
Prevention Magazine, Oct 05, 2012 12:58 pm Posted by Jules Shepard
ABC 7, May 4, 2011: Video of largest gluten-free cake built for Congress
-; Gov. Pat Quinn signs a bill into law allowing schools to carry medication that could save lives.
March 26, 2015,; When a controversial lobbyist claimed during a TV interview that Monsanto’s weed killer Roundup was safe to drink, the host offered him a glass. Needless to say, he wasn’t willing to back up his claim.
Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)
GMO foods are entering our food supply, untested, and with real and potential consequences. People with food allergies have a real concern when it comes to GMO foods as it is unclear, but rumored that untested GMO foods could be an underlying cause.-
March 20, 2015, Wall Street Journal; Glyphosate, a herbicide widely marketed by Monsanto Co. and other companies, likely has the potential to cause cancer in humans, a World Health Organization agency said Friday.
Concord Monitor, Sept. 18, 2013, by Gary Hirshberg; New Hampshire legislators are deliberating House Bill 660, a bill requiring labeling of foods containing genetically engineered ingredients. New Hampshire is one of 26 states considering mandatory GMO la
Food, Sept. 17, 2013; US retail sales of non-GMO foods and beverages are projected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.9% in the next five years, and could represent 30% of the market with a value of $264bn in 2017,
-, Sept. 17, 2013; (Reuters) - The detection of a small amount of genetically modified material in a Washington state farmer's non-GMO alfalfa crop constitutes a "commercial issue" only and does not warrant any government action, the U.S. Depar
The Daily Show; Sept. 12, 2013; Aasif Mandvi learns that greedy farmers have threatened the livelihood of Monsanto's heroic patent attorneys. (04:24)
-, Sept. 11 2013; GMO opponents have warned for more than a decade that, because alfalfa is a perennial crop largely pollinated by honeybees, it would be almost impossible to keep the genetically modified version from mixing with conventional...
Just Label, Sept. 11, 2013; The study, conducted by food marketing expert Kai Robertson, found no evidence connecting changes in food labels to supermarket prices. Robertson is an independent consultant who previously worked for the Food Marketing
-, July 25, 2013; Prize-winning Nigerian environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey is urging African governments to take a stand against genetically altered seeds and accept that working with nature is “immeasurably better than working against her.”
Elle Magazine, July 24, 2013; With symptoms including headaches, nausea, rashes, and fatigue, Caitlin Shetterly visited doctor after doctor searching for a cure for what ailed her. What she found, after years of misery and bafflement, was as unlikely ...
-, July 24, 2013; Tom Woody; Scientists had struggled to find the trigger for so-called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) that has wiped out an estimated 10 million beehives, worth $2 billion, over the past six years. Suspects have included pestic..
Huffington Post, June 18, 2013; by Joe Satran; The chain recently became the first fast-food chain to label the ingredients it uses that contain GMOs; the list is deep in its website, not in stores.
CBS News, June 7, 2013; Monsanto's RoundUp Ready Wheat found in Oregon, farmers unable to sell overseas.
-, May 30, 2013; by Danny Johnston/AP; A farmer in Oregon has found some genetically engineered wheat growing on his land. It's an unwelcome surprise, because this type of wheat has never been approved for commercial planting.
Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association, May 14, 2013; The Maine Legislature's Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry (ACF) Committee voted this afternoon to support LD 718, An Act To Protect Maine Food Consumers’ Right to Know about GM foods....
Organic Authority, May 14, 2013; The Supreme Court announced its ruling yesterday in favor of biotech giant Monsanto in the highly publicized Bowman v. Monsanto case brought about by an Indiana farmer over the company’s right to patent seeds.
New York Times, May 12, 2013; by Henry Fountain; The hamburger, assembled from tiny bits of beef muscle tissue grown in a laboratory and to be cooked and eaten at an event in London, perhaps in a few weeks, is meant to show the world — including potential
Mother Jones, May 11, 2013; the USDA announced an approval delay of new Dow & Monsanto crops until it could generate full EIS's on them. A Penn State study has deemed them a danger to the human environment. read more...
WPTZ.COM (& Associated Press), May 10, 2013; The 107-37 vote came after supporters raised concerns about human health and the ecosystem from the use of genetic engineering. Matter will not see final action in 2013.
BBC, Jan. 22, 2013; By Katia Moskvitch Technology reporter; Biologists believe they are on the cusp of producing the first genetically modified fish fit for human consumption. But what effects might it have on the world's ecosystems?
The New York Times, Oct. 23, 2012; by STEPHANIE STROM; Over 700 chefs and professional foodies are coming out in support of GMO labeling and Prop 37
PREVENTION, May 8, 2012; w GMO weed-resistance, our farmers now confront new problems, never before seen on their farms, called “superweeds”. Chemical companies are now calling for Agent Orange, a deadly component used in Vietnam, to "solve" this problem.
Oprah Magazine; May 2012; Genetically engineered ingredients show up in most of the processed foods in your shopping cart. New food allergens are suspected to be caused by them.Yet their long-term health effects remain unknown.
Reuters, April 18, 2012; - A coalition of more than 2,000 U.S. farmers & food companies said it is taking legal action to force government regulators to analyze potential problems with proposed biotech crops & the weed-killing chemicals to be sprayed
Organic Authority, April, 2012; , Monsanto, doesn't mind if you have no choice. They believe they've got the tools to solve the world's food, fuel and fiber problems with GMOs, and that's all you need to know--not that nearly 80 percent of all processed..
-, Feb. 23, 2012; by Jin Zhu: China plans to set up a strict law on the management of genetically modified food in response to nationwide concerns about the safety of related agricultural products.
The Next Steps for the Local Food Movement: GMO Labeling & Linking Together Sustainable Food SystemsColorado Public TV 12, February 16, 2012; by Kevin Williams
Natural Society, Jan. 2, 2012; by Mike Barrett
The New York Times, June 16, 2011; by PAUL VOOSEN
The Huffington Post, Jan. 9, 2011 by Maria Rodale: "So here are three studies: One reports that GMOs.. aren't killed in the stomach, but remain active...eating animals that eat GMO foods affect us.... that these GMOs may be linked to disease
-; If you get your seeds from a local garden center, as I sometimes do, beware the varieties you select. Otherwise, you could very well be putting money into the hands of the Monsanto Corporation.
Restaurants, Airlines, & Food Service: International
Restaurants are catering to people with special diets all over the world. How they do it (or don't do it) is worth a good read.-
Jan. 13, 2015; USA Today, Pizza Hut becomes the first chain to sell certified gluten-free pizza.
Food Safety Magazine; March 18, 2014; ... every restaurant operator and foodservice professional is on notice. Not only are tastes changing due to dietary restrictions, menu design now has life or death consequences—and operators are looking for
Associated Press, March 17, 2014; County governments may soon have authority to make restaurants accommodate customers with food allergies.
Allergic Living Magazine, Feb. 5, 2014; George Dahlman, VP at FARE and Amy Wicker, an advocate who founded the website, spoke before about 30 airline representatives & lawyers who manage accessibility & compliance issues.
New York Times, March 20, 2013; BY JAN HOFFMAN; we wanted to determine what would influence that rare event from happening,” said Dr. Matthew Greenhawt, a clinician and researcher at the University of Michigan Food Allergy Center, and the lead author ...
The New York Times, Nov. 14, 2012; by KENNETH SCHNEIDER; Next year, just in time for the fourth annual Restaurant Week, Grand Rapids is scheduled to open the $30 million, 130,000-square-foot Downtown Market, destination is expected to attract 500,000 visi
-; Oct. 11, 2012
-, May 25, 2012
Huff Post Food, Nov. 27, 2011; by Rod McGuirk: CANBERRA, Australia, DNA technology to assure patrons they are being served the genuine fish fillet or caviar they ordered, rather than inferior substitutes, an expert in genetic identification says.
Echo Press, Alexandria, MN, October 30, 2011
Los Angeles Times, Oct. 22, 2011; By Tiffany Hsu
-, April, 10, 2011; By Dafna Arad
QSR; July 10, 2012; While we continue to wait for final regulations on menu labeling from the federal Food and Drug Administration, I thought I'd look around to see what some of the bigger restaurant chains are already doing to let diners know wh
GUT/BRAIN: Health, Hormones, The Brain, Exercise & the Immune System
The immune system, the gut, the liver and the brain are becoming newsworthy. Read what's hitting the mainstream (and sometimes not-so-mainstream).-
October 9, 2015, NPR; A honeybee is seen on the countertop of entomologist Steve Sheppard's lab at Washington State University. Sheppard is studying whether he can boost honeybees' immunity using liquid extracted from wood-rotting mushrooms.
-, March 14, 2014; Mary Roach, author of Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal helps us understand what happenes to food after we eat.
The New York Times, March 17, 2014; But a large and exhaustive new analysis by a team of international scientists found no evidence that eating saturated fat increased heart attacks and other cardiac events.
-, Feb. 27, 2014; Since starting this push in 2010, Life in Yoga has trained 145 doctors. Its programs, jointly sponsored by Howard University College of Medicine, are recognized by ...
CBS News, January 23, 2014; Consumer Reports is warning the caramel coloring that gives cola its brown hue may be dangerous in the levels its found in some popular soft drinks.
-, November 18, 2013; Could the microbes that inhabit our guts help explain that old idea of "gut feelings?" There's growing evidence that gut bacteria really might influence our minds.
NY Daily News, Nov. 12, 2013; A recent research study found that those suffering from moderate to severe dementia did particularly well singing show tunes from movies and musicals such as 'The Wizard of Oz,' 'The Sound of Music' and 'Oklahoma!' in group..
The Washington Post, Oct. 19, 2013; A new study has found that the cleanup system in the brain, responsible for flushing out toxic waste products that cells produce with daily use, goes into overdrive in mice that are asleep. The cells even shrink ...
New York Times, March 3, 2013 by ANDREW POLLACK; Doctors announced on Sunday that a baby had been cured of an H.I.V. infection for the first time, a startling development that could change how infected newborns are treated and sharply reduce the number of
NY Times, Jan. 19, 2013; by Nicholas D. Kristof; Why are we fat? Studies on endocrine disruptors found in plastics, foam, pesticides, BPA, and phthalates in beauty products and other daily exposures are just as responsible as Twinkies.
Wall Street Journal, Sept. 10, 2012; Timing seems to be key. If you pick up Epstein-Barr virus and Helicobacter early in life from your mother pre-chewing your food, they seem to help protect you against inflammation diseases. Catch them later and they ma
The New York Times, August 25, 2012, By MOISES VELASQUEZ-MANOFF; So here’s the short of it: At least a subset of autism — perhaps one-third, and very likely more — looks like a type of inflammatory disease. And it begins in the womb.
National Institute of Health Study Abstract (2008): MBSR - program that is feasible for women recently diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and the results provide preliminary evidence of beneficial effects of MBSR on immune more.
REUTERS, March 28, 2012; by Sharon Begley; About one in 88 children in the United States has autism or a related disorder, the highest estimate to date and one that is sure to revive a national argument over how the condition is diagnosed and treated.
Harvard Science, April 9, 2012; by Edward Mason; new research by his team at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) demonstrates that the relaxation response can create genetic changes in irritable bowel syndrome sufferers
Scientific American, March 15, 2012; by Marla Cone and Environmental Health News; Scientists seek "fundamental changes" in testing and regulation of chemicals that mimic human hormones
The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 17, 2012; A growing body of research shows the gut affects bodily functions far beyond digestion linking the gut's health to bone formation, learning, memory & even conditions incl. Parkinson's disease, anxiety & depression.
Huff Post Healthy Living, Jan. 7, 2012
Celiac Disease
The New York Times, Feb. 23, 2013; Scientists are pursuing some intriguing possibilities. One is that breast-feeding may protect against the disease. Another is that we have neglected the teeming ecosystem of microbes in the gut — bacteria that may ...
Food Allergies in Things Other Than Food: Cosmetics, Dental, Laundry & Dish Soap
Peanuts, wheat, soy & other allergens can be the source of ingredients in many cosmetics, lotions and creams.-
March 26, 2015; According to PETA, popular fining agents include, "blood and bone marrow, casein (milk protein), chitin (fiber from crustacean shells), egg albumen (derived from egg whites), fish oil, gelatin (protein from boiling animal parts), and ...
Daily Camera (Boulder), Oct. 2, 2013; Gluten is hiding in many common dental products, such as toothpaste and the flavored polishing paste, topical anesthetic and even the fluoride commonly used in many dentist offices.
-, October 31, 2011; Post by: Anne Harding -
Kids & Schools
News about kids, school, and food allergies.-
Jan. 12, 2015; US News, Allergies can be life-threatening – and a target for bullying. What to do if your kid is a victim.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC), Oct. 30, 2013; First comprehensive national guide - for schools - to managing food allergies in schools
Oct. 13, 2013; Massechusetts Live, Nut ban enacted at some Western Massachusetts schools as childhood allergies skyrocket
Oct. 2, 2013;; LANSING -- Lawmakers in the Michigan House of Representatives will get a chance to vote on letting schools keep emergency medication for food allergies on hand, even though a vote on...
North, Sept. 26, 2013; After months of debate and encouragement from district parents of children with food allergies, the Board of Education has introduced a peanut and tree nut policy that turns classrooms for kids in Kindergarten through ...
York Daily Record, Sept. 9, 2013; A state proposal would require schools to stock epinephrine auto-injectors and train staff to use them in the case of an allergic reaction, but some local district officials said they already do that, among other steps..
Bangor Daily News, Sept. 5, 2013; Monica Willey is both creator and star of Monica’s Mixing Bowl, which uses puppet characters to teach children about food with a focus on food allergies and dietary restrictions.
CBS, July 31, 2013; The House on Tuesday passed legislation that would give grant preferences to states that come up with policies to make epinephrine, a drug used to treat anaphylactic shock, available in schools.
-, July 18, 2013; By L.V. Anderson; Having a kid with food allergies is terrifying. As novelist Curtis Sittenfeld put in Slate, “I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that allergic families live in a parallel universe in which what is harm...
-, May 10, 2013; By Mireille Schwartz, Special to CNN; What do you tell a worried parent when their concerns are confirmed, that their child has been diagnosed with a food allergy?
-; July 10, 2013; by Isabelle Burden; Safety Tat, a new line of temporary tattoos created by Maryland mother Michele Welsch, provides parents with a way to protect their kids even when the children are away...
-, March 19, 2013; The 'Don't Feed Me' brightly colored tops have been designed by Kym Whitley and come with a series of white boxes across the chest where anxious parents can fill in the specifics of their child's allergies.
The New Zealand Herald, March 10, 2013, by Geraldine Johns; Are we going too far in hunting down ingredients allegedly held responsible for allergic reactions? Are we making claims where there's no scientific proof to back them? Or is there a legitimate
South China Morning Post, Jan. 29, 2013; BY LO WEI; More Hong Kong children suffer from severe allergic reactions than the international average, the first large-scale study on food allergies shows.
The Huffington Post, Jan. 2, 2013; by S.Z. Berg; What follows are email interviews (except where noted) with Stanley Fineman, M.D., Scott H. Sicherer, M.D., and Wayne Shreffler, M.D.
US News Health; November 2, 2012; Survey results confirm that food allergy bullying is a big issue, & caused both by teachers and students. Education on the seriousness is the best way to make change... and friends.
Orlando Sentinal, the Daily Disney, July 27, 2011; Heather McPherson, ORLANDO SENTINEL FOOD EDITOR
Dr. Mark Hyman; May 12, 2010; Autism is a systemic body disorder that affects the brain. A toxic environment triggers certain genes in people susceptible to this condition. And research supports this position.
Athletes & Celebrites on Food Allergies.
Food allergies can be very restrictive. They make you feel like you can't be your wonderful, gracious self. Here are examples of people in the spotlight who have overcome.-
Irish Central, Feb. 24, 2014; Dr. Peter Green, a Professor of Clinical Medicine, Director of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, suspects that JFK was the victim of celiac disease an undiagnosed disease ...
Chicago Tribune, Feb. 24, 2014; On Monday, Ramis was surrounded by family in his North Shore home when he died at 12:53 a.m. of complications from autoimmune inflammatory vasculitis, a rare disease that involves swelling of the blood vessels, said ...
York Guardian, May 8, 2013; By HILARY CATON; At Cedarvale Community School in York there are 42 children with at least one food allergy, said school principal Carmelo Nanfara. Tagliani is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts.
-, Feb. 23, 2012; AFP Singapore; Wei follows Tennis pro Djokovic's lead
USA Today, July 25, 2011; BY VICKI MICHAELIS
-, March 16, 2011; Djokovic credits gluten-free with his number one status
"Modern" Foods & Their Myths
Articles that help us differentiate between marketing hype and real nutrition-
New York Daily News, Feb. 28, 2014: Azodicarbonamide recently made headlines after an online campaign prompted Subway to announce it was removing the additive — used as a bleaching and dough agent in bread products, as well as a foaming agent in plastic..
The Atlantic, APRIL 26, 2012; The evolution of "Crisco". In this excerpt from The Happiness Diet, discover how Procter & Gamble convinced people to forgo butter and lard for cheap, factory-made oils loaded with trans fat.
The Huffington Post, Oct. 28, 2011; by Beth Greer
-, August 16, 2011; by FELICIA STOLER. PLEASE NOTE: Article title was changed to remove the word "ARTIFICIAL" after article was originally published.
CBS Los Angeles, Feb. 23, 2012; Dyes mess with metabolism. Yellow dyes are shown to reduce zinc levels in kids and increase hyperactivity. Many dyes contain petroleum, shown to increase the risk of cancer. European food do not contain food dyes.
Autism Spectrum Disorder & ADHD
Many people with autism have food allergies or sensitivities, and many find relief and help through diet. This group will focus on latest research & news on autism.-
March 30, 2015,; Researchers analyzed information from children in Norway whose mothers had answered questions about their child's health during infancy and early childhood. The study included 195 children with autism spectrum disorder . .
-, March 27, 2014; One in 68 U.S. children has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a 30% increase from 1 in 88 two years ago, according to a new report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The New York Times, March 7, 2014; In our first year in Washington, our son disappeared. Just shy of his 3rd birthday, an engaged, chatty child, full of typical speech — “I love you,” “Where are my Ninja Turtles?” “Let’s get ice cream!” — fell silent.
WZZM13.COM, May 7, 2013; by Valerie Lego; Red Dye 40 being further linked to inflammation and behavioral disorders
Huffington Post, April 2, 2013; BY GERALDINE DAWSON, Chief Science Officer, Autism Speaks; Piece by piece, we are starting to get a much better picture of what this disorder is and the extent of its complexity.
Psychology Today, March 8, 2012; by Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D.; In the United States, at least 9% of school-aged children have been diagnosed with ADHD, and are taking pharmaceutical medications. In France, the percentage of kids diagnosed and medicated for ...
-, May 14, 2014; Use of ADHD drugs continues to rise in the United States, but the group whose use is increasing the most may come as a surprise: young women.
The Business of Food Allergies
Food allergy vendors have exploded to meet customer demand. At the Tender Palate, we know how real food allergies are. But when it comes to the market, we don't want food allergy products to be a fad.-, Dec. 5, 2013; Cue Paula Deen crying while eating a Cronut™ and the CEO of Taco Bell throwing darts at a copy of Salt, Sugar, Fat.
Food Navigator -, Sept. 3, 2013; PepsiCo has been experimenting with ingredients from unpeeled heat-treated green bananas and plantains to serve as everything from a gluten substitute to a sugar replacer in products from oatmeal to smoothies, crac
Los Angeles Times, Oct. 23, 2012; By Tiffany Hsu; The market for gluten-free foods and beverages is booming, with double digit growth over the last four years as more consumers find themselves diagnosed with celiac disease and food allergies.
New York Times, Sept. 7, 2012; Only 7% of people at risk for a severe allergic reaction actually carry an auto-injector. Helping schools get legislation for nurses to give non-prescription injection to save a life.
The New York Times, Nov. 25, 2011; by Keith O'Brien: Food Companies are always trying to take advantage of the latest dietary trend or health craze. But the story of how we got to a place where celiac disease is suddenly mainstream, prevalence rates
The New York Times, July 27, 2012; by Mark Bittman: The author and readers revisit the potential beneficial effects of cutting down on dairy.
Huffington Post, Sept. 25, 2013; Getting to the bottom of this problem is a pressing public health matter, because, as it turns out, food allergies are costing the U.S. an estimated $24.8 billion every year. according to a study published in JAMA Pediatri
Food Allergy Humor
'Lest we take ourselves too seriously...-
The New Yorker, July 18, 2012; by Bob Odenkirk; It’s the year 2367 and all food is gluten-free. No restaurant, grocery, or bakery serves anything with gluten in it, and guess what? Everything still tastes great.
Food Allergy Lifestyle
How to live, love and relate when you have allergies-
A conversation with author, Sandra Beasley
Sad News
A tribute to those who have died from anaphylactic shock, the most severe food allergy reaction. Our deepest condolensces to the friends and family of those lost.-
ABC News10, July 29, 2013; CARMICHAEL, Calif. - It was supposed to be the last day of a family vacation at a popular summer camp, but it ended in tragedy for one Sacramento area family when a loved one had a fatal allergic reaction.
April 24, 2013; "He bit down but didn’t swallow it. He spit it out immediately," said Stacie. But within minutes, the 11-year-old’s throat and tongue swelled, cutting off his airway. Two days later, he was pronounced dead.
ABC News, March 15, 2013; Robin Fitzpatrick never knew peanuts could kill her son. Cameron Groezinger-Fitzpatrick, 19, a college freshman who suffered from a severe nut allergy, died last Friday after eating a cookie that contained peanut oil.
Traveling with Food Allergies
-, June 25, 2013; By Zoe Smith; For some travelers an errant peanut or hidden shrimp can be potentially lethal -- here's advice for those with concerns.