Parents: The 12 Days of Christmas -- Pop Nutrition, Super Sprouts & Snot Hoovers (Part 3)

Welcoming Melanie Potock of My Munchbug with Part Three in her series on gifts for parents to help children eat (and play) more adventurously. There are great ideas for any kid, and also for kids who have food allergies, autism, or other special needs.
What About Days 1 through 8?
In Part 1 of this 12 Day of Christmas series we looked at my favorite lunchitime things. In Part 2. we discovered more great products for adventurous eating and play. What's in store for Day 9? Read on... we are counting down...
On the 9th day of Christmas my Tender Foodie asked of me - VitaRocks™!
Nine Packs of VitaRocks™…vitamins that pop! VitaRocks are a sure-fire way for kids ages 4 and up to get more vitamins, because they are fun and easy to take! Sweetened with evaporated cane juice and loaded with vitamins A, B, C, D, E and minerals, the tiny crystals come in individual packets that truly “POP” thanks to a little CO2 to create a party in your mouth.
Oh, and forget the nine packs, because right now, you can get a “stocky stuffer special” of 56 packets for less than $40 in either Cherry Blast or Lemon Burst. Sure, it’s not a “daily vitamin” at that cost, but it’s definitely worth a little assurance that your kiddo is getting the occasional, extra burst of vitamins because it's impossible to resist those little crackles and pops on your tongue!
Note: VitaRocks contain lactose and are not dairy free. Be sure to read the ingredient list carefully against your child's particular allergies. If you have any questions, contact the company.
On the 10th day of Christmas my Tender Foodie asked of me -- Vegucation!
10 heroes and villains from Super Sproutz where “vegucation is made easy…and fun.” The cast of characters includes Brian Broccoli, Colby Carrot, Suzy Sweet Pea and Radha Radish, also known as Radha Agrawal, founder and CEO of Super Sproutz. Check out their video “All the Veggie Ladies” to learn more about Radha’s dream of helping children see vegetables and nutrition differently “through catchy music and lovable characters.”
On the 11th day of Christmas my Tender Foodie asked of me .... a Snot Hoover!
“The Snoover Snot Hoover” aka the BabyComfyNose nasal aspirator. Now, what does this have to do with the number eleven? Absolutely nothing. And why are we bringing up mucous (gross!) when we were just talking about food? Because, without being too nosey (great pun, right?) I’d like you to recall the last time you had a stuffy, snotty nose. I know you didn’t feel like eating. Kids with stuffy noses can’t smell, can barely taste anything and mucous makes it really difficulty to swallow completely. And, if your tiny Tender Foodie becomes congested after reacting to a specific allergen or food sensitivity, you’ll be glad you own the BabyComfyNose. Here’s the scoop from One Step Ahead, which chose this unique aspirator for its highly-selective catalogue:
• Thanks to the nasal bulb's egg-shaped design (not to mention basic principles of physics), mucus is trapped inside the receptacle and can't advance up the tube. Crumple an ordinary tissue inside the bulb to enhance its filtering properties.
• Each child should have their own personal nasal aspirator; we offer you a choice of colors for easy identification
• BPA and phthalate-free
Okay, so now you are curious, right? Check out the video that demonstrates this brilliant invention!
On the 12th day of Christmas my Tender Foodie asked of me ... MOMables!
A 12 month subscription to MOMables! Mom-a-what? MOM-ables! Invented my yet another savvy mother, MOMables sends busy parents a weekly lunch menu with a shopping list every single Friday. Each recipe includes a photo of exactly what the lunch will look like (these photos are variations to the "sword" lunches) and never includes processed food. According to their website,
“In nearly all recipes, you’ll be able to swap ingredients to accommodate for food allergies and ultra-picky eaters.”
I perused through several recipe cards and it does appear to be quite easy to substitute as needed. What parents love about this system is having a plan. I love a good plan, don’t you? A nice, easy plan that makes my life simpler, more organized and more fun. That’s MOMables!
And to All a Good Night
And so the season of giving is upon us and I hope that you have a few ideas for keeping mealtimes joyful while you share this time with your precious family. In the spirit of the season, 25% of profits from the sales of My Munch Bug's CD, Dancing in the Kitchen, will be donated to Allergy Kids Foundation until the 'twelfth night" or midnight, January 5th, 2012.
About Melanie
Melanie is speech language pathologist who specializes in feeding. Her work brings her into the homes and schools of her clients, kids, who for various reasons have difficulty with food or with eating. She works with kids and their parents to develop effective strategies that help children become “more adventurous eaters”. At least 50% of her clients have food allergies or intolerances, and for them, “adventurous eating” takes on a special meaning. Melanie is also the author of Happy Mealtimes with Happy Kids” and the executive producer of “Dancing in the Kitchen.”
More Posts from Melanie
The 12 Days of Christmas -- My Favorite Lunchtime Things (Part 1)
The 12 Days of Christmas -- Gifts for Adventurous Eating (and Playing (Part 2)
Tips to Help Your Food Allergic Child Belong During the Holidays
How to Talk Turkey (and Food Allergies) at Thanksgiving
How Can Parents Feel Less Stress with a Food Allergic Child in School?
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