Gluten- & Dairy-Free Turkey Parts & Gravy

Many thanks to Chef Kathleen Schiefler for this recipe. Kathleen & I will be teaching a gluten- & dairy-free cooking class for the Cook's Program at the GRCC Sechia Culinary Institute in March, 2012. Stay tuned for details!
~Elisabeth Veltman
Prepare the Turkey Parts
Taking the time to roast a few turkey parts which creates a flavorful turkey stock, will ensure that you have enough gravy to go around, and will also give you a much more flavorful gravy! Most good quality meat markets sell packages of turkey backs and thighs this time of year and they are quite inexpensive. The stock can be made several days ahead of time!
3-5 Turkey backs or thighs, or combination, cut in pieces with sharp knife
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
1 medium onion, cut into chunks
1-2 stalks of celery, cut into chunks
1 carrot, cut into chunks
2 bay leaves
1 teaspoon whole peppercorns
1 cup dry white wine
Juices from turkey roasting pan
4 tablespoons potato starch mixed in a bowl with enough cold water to form a paste
Preheat oven to 400’. Place turkey parts in roasting pan and rub lightly with olive oil. Season well with salt and pepper. Place in preheated oven and roast for about 35-40 minutes or until golden brown.
Place roasted turkey parts in a large pan and add enough cold water to cover. Add onion, celery, carrot, bay leaf, peppercorns and white wine. Bring to a boil, then turn down heat to a simmer over medium low heat and cook for about 40 minutes. Remove from heat, strain though a strainer and reserve the liquid; discarding the solids. This can be done several days ahead of time and refrigerated. Once cold, skim off any accumulated fat on the surface.
When ready to make gravy: Pour accumulated juices from the roasting pan of your cooked turkey into a bowl being sure to add all the little dark bits at the bottom of the pan. When fat rises to the top, skim off as much of it as you can using a ladle or turkey baster before adding it to the pan of the prepared turkey stock; bring to a simmer over medium heat. In a separate bowl, mix together the potato starch and water to form a paste. Whisk this mixture into the simmering gravy and whisk until smooth and blended. Increase the heat to a low boil. Season with additional salt and pepper to taste. Once the mixture has come to a boil it has achieved its maximum thickening potential, so if you the gravy is still too thin, whisk in some additional starch and water paste and bring to a boil again. The amount of potato starch paste you will need to use to thicken the gravy will all depend on the amount of gravy in your pan.
About Chef Schiefler
Chef Kathleen is a hometown girl and a graduate of the GRCC Culinary program in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She has traveled the world extensively studying foods, traditions, and international customs. Kathleen also attended stints at Ecole de Cuisine LaVarene in Burgundy, France, The French Pastry School in Chicago and the CIA in Napa Valley.
Today, Kathleen merges her passions for hospitality in inspiring ways with Kathleen and Company - developing creative solutions in marketing, culinary arts, merchandising, purchasing, and customer relations. She also continues to indulge her passions with the Arts, is an Advanced Master Gardener, occasional interior designer, and is frequently featured at speaking and teaching engagements throughout the city. In addition to being co-founder of the KITCHEN SINC - where she will be hosting cooking classes in this facility and helping new incubators launch their products to market - you will also find her at Rylee’s Ace Hardware on Michigan Street where she hosts their Ace’s in the Kitchen cooking program and also teaching classes at Grand Rapids Community College Secchia Institute for Culinary Enthusiasts.
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