Use Ground Chia Seed Powder as an Egg Replacer!

Whole Chia Seeds - Grind before using as egg replacer
Just Like Flax Seed Only Better
Ground flax seeds are becoming a common and very successful replacement for eggs, but did you know that you can also use chia seed powder?
I've been experimenting with this for the last several months (recipes coming soon) and the ratio of chia powder to liquid is 1 to 1, just like ground flax seed. In other words, 1 tablespoon (TBS) of ground chia seeds + 1 tablespoon (TBS) of water = 1 egg.
You can also use coffee or clear apple juice instead of water to add a little recipe appropriate flavor if making muffins or sweet breads.
Can you use whole chia? You can, but chia seeds soak up a ton of water, so your bread or muffins will be more like pudding - very, very moist. So if you want your muffins to turn out like muffins, grind your chia seeds in a coffee grinder or food processor first, then measure.
Higher in Omega 3's
Using chia seeds rather than flax also helps increase the ratio of non-fish-derived Omega 3's in your diet, since chia is heavier in Omega 3's than is flax seed.
Gluten-free & Allergen-Free Chia Seeds
UPDATE 5/13/16
Navitas started producing tapioca in their factories some time ago, so I am no longer able to use their products because I have an anaphylactic response to tapioca. however, I picked up a package this week to show a friend, and the allegen statement has changed. It states that it processes in a factory that also produces wheat, dairy, peanuts and more. Please check with the company and the label to be sure that this product is safe for you to consume if you are sensitie or allergic to the top 8 allergnes.
Finding a gluten-free chia seed manufacturer can be tough. I've had good luck with Navitas Naturals Chia Powder. Here is the information that I have received from Navitas Naturals, organized by allergen:
- No Gluten: not sourced or processed with gluten, and there is no gluten in the factory, but also not tested. In the process of getting gluten-free certification and performing a ppm test for gluten-free certification. Navitas Power Snack line is gluten-free certified.
- No Dairy: no dairy is present in the facility, but not tested for dairy at this time.
- Tree Nuts: facility processes tree nuts, but handles cashews only.
- Soy: We do not test for parts per million for soy or peanuts. Our superfoods come from around the world and are grown in natural, native habitats. The risk for cross contamination with gluten, soy, or other legumes is extremely low and/or unlikely.
- Peanuts: We do not test for parts per million for soy or peanuts. Our superfoods come from around the world and are grown in natural, native habitats. The risk for cross contamination with gluten, soy, or other legumes is extremely low and/or unlikely.
- Sulfite Free: None of Navitas Naturals products contain sulfites
- Organic: All products are certified organic and use minimal processing methods such as freeze-drying. The facility is certified organic.
- GMO Status? Navitas Naturals products are Non-GMO Project Verified! That means they’ve met the rigorous standards of the Non-GMO Project- an independent non-profit reviewer that ensures products are made according to best practices for GMO avoidance. Organic Facility. Under current FDA regulations, no GMOs are allowed in organic foods.
- Certified Kosher: "Most of our products are certified kosher through Earth Kosher. You can find more information at"
Read the labels for your particular allergens at:
UPDATE 5/13/16
Navitas started producing tapioca in their factories some time ago, so I am no longer able to use their products because I have an anaphylactic response to tapioca. however, I picked up a package this week to show a friend, and the allegen statement has changed. It states that it processes in a factory that also produces wheat, dairy, peanuts and more. Please check with the company and the label to be sure that this product is safe for you to consume if you are sensitie or allergic to the top 8 allergnes.
Reader Comments (1)
And I want to thank you for the information.