Gorgeous, Gluten-free (and Less Toxic) From Head-to-Toe

Think Differently About Your Skin
Ah, the pretty little bottles on your bathroom shelves. I used to arrange mine to display perfectly: logos front, colors coordinated, and carefully chosen for aesthetic appeal. One day, I turned them around. Their ingredients read like a James Joyce novel. Daunting and unrepentant with long words that I had to look up. Even some of my favorite “natural” product ingredients translated into scary chemicals.
What I truly didn’t expect to find was that my toothpaste, lotions, shampoos, make up, and nail polish contained gluten. No wonder I was feeling like crap. Another piece of the puzzle of healing fell into place. My own body was in a constant, mid-grade allergic reaction because of what I put on my skin.
You might say, “I don’t eat lotion, what’s the big deal?” Think about it this way. You wash your hands and immediately put on lotion. A few minutes later you prep a chicken, cut vegetables, and kneed the dough for some fabulous gluten-free muffins. You wash your hands again and use lotion. You eat the roast chicken and lick your fingers. If your lotion or lipstick contains gluten, and it probably does, it just became an ingredient to your meal.
Researchers believe that gluten particles are too large to enter through the skin, but they can get into our blood stream through our eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Plus, many people are skin-sensitive to gluten. Look for hidden gluten in ingredients like Tocopherol or Vitamin E, since both are often derived from wheat or barley (aka, “gluten”).
Read about the study here.
515 Toxins on your Skin, Every Day?
Article also seen in May 2013 Women's Lifestyle Magazine
If your favorite labels make your eyes cross, consider something else. Your skin is your largest organ and it is very absorbent. That’s why the smoker’s or hormone patches work. Current laws for beauty products still have some gaping loopholes, which allow for a mind-boggling number of cancer-linked chemicals and hormone disrupters that CAN be absorbed into your system through your skin. For instance, “fragrance” is considered a trade secret, so companies don’t have to disclose their fragrance ingredients, even if they contain potential allergens or harmful chemicals, as long as they meet the standards of the word, “fragrance” and as long as their levels are “safe.” More research has shown, however, that we women use as many as 515 chemicals on our skin through different products. Is this safe? You tell me. Gluten is only harmful to those who are sensitive to it, but some of these chemicals are harmful to everyone.
Read about this research here.Pick up a copy of one of my favorite books, “No More Dirty Looks” by Alexandra Spunt and Siobhan O’Connor for an eye-opening look at what’s in your cabinet. These chicks have been a change-inducing voice in the beauty industry and also keep us up-to-date on their blog www.nomoredirtylooks.com.
If you think you won't find any products that will work for you, I'll start you out with a few of my favorites. Most of the packaging isn't fancy, but each is gluten-free, and made with real stuff, not chemicals.
Desert Essence Organics – Fragrance Free
If you don’t want to smell like a coconut or a mango, choose fragrance free. The shampoo and conditioner leave hair feeling healthy and shiny. After washing, I add a few drops of an essential oil (like bergamot), which helps detangle and leaves me smelling like I want to smell.
Desert Essence Organics – Natural Tea Tree Oil and Neem Toothpaste
Believe it or not, many types of toothpaste contain hidden gluten and I was not looking forward to the switch. But I was shocked at how much I liked Dessert Essence toothpaste. My teeth feel cleaner than with most commercial brands, so I’m super pleased.

Keys Island Rx Foaming Facial Wash
Keys Tortuga or Luminos Facial Lotion (Night)
Keys Solar Rx Facial Lotion (Day)
I love, love, love Keys products. They are gluten-free, chemical and preservative free, and vegan. My skin feels nourished. The labels are clearly marked and ingredients are in every day language so you can see if these products work with your allergies. Solar Rx was developed to work underneath your cosmetics to protect skin (not for the beach or water). Wendy Steele , Keys CEO and Founder, is a melanoma survivor, and developed this for people with sensitive skin.
Mineral Fusion
Check out last year’s Tender Foodie article on Mineral Fusion Gluten-Free Make up. Still lovin’ it this year!
Keeki Pure and Simple
I met owner (and Michigan girl) Natalie Bausch at a gluten-free fair, and was intrigued that one of her inspirations for creating a gluten-free, non-toxic nail polish was that young girls tend to bite their nails. The company might be named after her teenage daughter, but the fabulous nail polish colors range from fun to sophisticated. They also lack that toxic paint smell, which is SO awesome. The polish might not last quite as long as the formaldahyte laden competitors, but it is also easier to remove, so you can be more creative and change up your colors more often. I also appreciate the care Natalie has put into the design of her packaging. I love a product that looks good on the shelf!
What are your favorite non-toxic and / or gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free beauty products? Talk to me.
About the Author
Writer, owner of Blue Pearl Strategies, and lover of all culinary delights, Elisabeth is a Tender Foodie. She started The Tender Palate, a website (and this Tender Foodie blog) for people with food allergies, sensitivities and intolerance, where she consults with experts from every area of the Tender Foodie life. She believes that everyone should live deliciously and have a healthy seat at the table.