Recipe: Old Beau Steaks

The Sum of Experiences - Culinary and Otherwise
I've been thinking about the past, lately. There are times when all but the super human wish that we could change something, take a different path, or erase that drunken rant that showed up on your best friend's wedding dvd. There are, after all, such things called "mistakes". If we only hadn't done, said, chosen "this" we would be SO much better off. Earlier in my life, when well-meaning people would say, "Oh, you wouldn't be who you are today if life were perfect", a tiny, wry part of my mind would reply, "exactly".
But lately, that self-admonishing voice has quieted. Perhaps, after spurring me to seek and find whatever "better" is, it has done its job. I'm not only OK with where I am as a human, I am grateful.
When a wise and wonderful part of my past-hopefully-turned-present recently said, "Perfection is over-rated," I realized that perfection is more about controlling life than it is about living it. Staring at "what WAS" keeps us from the crazy Pandora's box chock full of "what IFs". So in that slightly messy, not-so-perfect expanse of choices that lay ahead of me, I now see the beauty of possibility. And when I can, I try only to reach back to grab the good stuff. Leaping into the unknown with a little experience under your belt can be a great thing.
This recipe is called Old Beau Steaks, because I learned it from a former boyfriend many, many years ago. While that particular beau will remain happily and safely in the past, this marinade has become a wonderful part of the sum of my experiences. It's a dairy-free, wheat-free marinade. Good for most food allergies. It's easy, a non-vegetarian man-pleaser and with the right steaks it can be like sex on a plate.
2 high quality, grass fed rib eye steaks
(or New York Strips or Porterhouse)
1 cup of good, dry red wine
(A cabernet, or even a red table wine will work. Don't use a "cooking" wine. Use one that you enjoy drinking)
1/3 cup of wheat-free Tamari sauce (or Bragg's Liquid Aminos, or Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos)
3 -4 cloves of finely chopped garlic
(depending upon the size of the cloves and your love of garlic)
Place the steaks into a 9x9 shallow baking dish. The dish should be just big enough to hold the steaks so that the marinade covers most of the meat. Whisk together the red wine, the wheat-free tamari and the garlic. Pour over the steaks. Place into the refrigerator for 45 minutes (warm) to 3 hours (cold). Turn once halfway through the marinating process. Its best to marinate the steaks in the refrigerator if it is longer than 45 minutes or the wine may leach out the juices from the steak. Before grilling, remove the steak from the refrigerator for 15 minutes so that the steak can come to room temperature.
Grill to perfection.
Learn how to grill the perfect steak from Adam Perry Lang, as he cooks with Le Cense Beef.
Learn More About Grass Fed Meat and How to Cook it
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There is divine beauty in learning, just as there is human beauty in tolerance. To learn means to accept the postulate that life did not begin at my birth. Others have been here before me, and I walk in their footsteps. The books I have read were composed by generations of fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, teachers and disciples. I am the sum total of their experiences, their quests. And so are you. - Elie Wiesel