Roasted Sweet Potato Chips with Nutmeg & Cinnamon

This is the ultimate, healthy, B, C, and A Vitamin, Beta-Carotene-loaded, and anti-inflammatory-ily spiced side dish. The fat of the olive oil actually, according to Worlds Healthiest Foods, enhances your bod's ability to absorb the beta carotene. Cinnamon is one of the most studied spices for its anti-inflammatory benefits, too. Another side benefit of this side, is the sweet potato's high content of tryptophan, which might make those late night rummagings a sleep-supporting win.
Plus, if you need some lovin', this recipe is a quickie.
Preheat Oven to 425 degrees
2 large sweet potatoes
1-2 TBS of olive oil
1-1/2 tsp sea or kosher salt
3 tsp of cinnamon (approximate - size of potatoes vary a great deal)
1/4 tsp of fresh grated nutmeg (approximate - just kiss each potato as you grate the nutmeg on the top)
Combine & Roast
On a sheet pan, place a sheet of parchment paper. I like to use parchment because it helps veggies brown and caramalize, saves the pan (and if you place it correctly, you don't have to wash the pan... shhhh. Don't tell anyone).
Slice the sweet potatoes to be about 1/4 inch thick for soft potatoes and quite thin for actual chips. The thinner you slice them, the crispier the potato chips will be. Both are really good.
Place the chips on the parchment lined pan, then pour about 1 TBS of olive oil in your hand. Massage the oil over each sweet potato chip - tossing with your hands. Then sprinkle the salt evenly over the chips, and again toss the chips in your hands to spread the salt to both sides of the potatoes. Add more oil & salt if needed - depending upon the size of your tubers.
Evenly space the potatoes on the parchment - you want each chip's little bottom to be on the parchment (don't double up). this way the bottom will be browned. Sprinkle the cinnamon evenly over the top of each chip. You can use a sifter to be exact, if you like. I tend to use my fingers to pinch a little over the top of each. Then grate a kiss of fresh nutmeg over each chip.
Place into the pre-heated oven and roast for 30-40 minutes. Serve hot.
Makes a great partner to soup or roast chicken, or your favorite gluten-free sandwich.
Add a pinch of cayenne to your cinnamon for a little kick. Thanks Marti & Lori!
According to FAAN (Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network), Is nutmeg safe?
"Nutmeg is obtained from the seeds of the tropical tree species Myristica fragrans. It is generally safe for an individual with a tree nut allergy."